The Print + Design Guide

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On a past episode of popular TV show “The Big Bang Theory“, main character Leonard was trying to “fit in” with his girlfriend Penny and her football watching buddies. As a Experimental Physicist by trade, his knowledge base was NOT centered around America’s game, so in order to freshen up for the big game Leonard reviewed his Football For Dummies manual to prepare. The results were predictably hilarious as the show generally delivers, however the point is this – just because you’re a genius in your field doesn’t mean you are always functionally literate in others outside of your comfort zone. That is not to say that printing is more or less complex than football, however for some people the world of printing is unfamiliar. We appreciate that, and as your full service printing partner, that is why Printing Solutions developed The Print + Design Guide – to help you, our clients become more familiar with our world.

By clicking the link below, you will have the opportunity to download an exclusive guide to what we do everyday for our clients. You will learn some industry terms, the difference between paper types, various coatings, how specific colors can affect your printing, how to correctly setup your artwork and even some specific marketing strategies.


We do not claim to be experts in marketing, but we do realize the importance of consistent branding in your marketing and will support whatever strategy you choose. We may offer some suggestions along the way, however the final decision is ultimately yours. On the other hand, we do know a few things about printing, so if all that you learn from reading this guide is a more effective way to print the same thing you have been printing for years – then we have helped you just a little bit. And that is ultimately our goal.

As many of you know by now our company philosophy is – “We believe in communicating passion and making an emotional connection.” With an effective, well planned print marketing strategy you can absolutely let your target market know that you are passionate about what you do – and that will ultimately serve you well in the long run. Brand recognition is vital to survival in today’s fast paced business world, and consistent communication of that brand can speak volumes. Whether you choose business cards, brochures, door hangers, banners, booklets or trade show displays to market with – the specific product itself is not what sells your business. It is the message you pass along and the way in which it is presented.

We like to think that reviewing this guide will help you to become more knowledgeable, more informed and more prepared for your next printing project.

In the future this guide will be offered on our website as a value add-in for those wishing to subscribe to our newsletter. However, if you are reading this blog and received our most recent newsletter, you are very likely already a subscriber so we are offering this to you here as a special gift. Our way of saying thanks for your loyalty and being part of our family.

Printing Solutions 2025